Based on a comprehensive analysis of the current situation, concrete measures were derived. The "Financial Transparency" package of measures was successfully implemented under Helbling's leadership. Together with the client, concepts - adapted to the specific circumstances of the company - were developed and implemented.
Our services
- Comprehensive ACTUAL analysis of the company and derivation of concrete, implementable measures
- Concept and implementation of a new article calculation (incl. adaptation of work plans in ERP, overview for internal cost calculation as basis for calculation, calculation of hourly and machine rates etc.)
- Development and implementation of a new article master data concept
- Concept for the creation of a product portfolio as a future-oriented basis for decision-making
- Revision of the value flows in article purchasing in order to be able to compare purchase prices on the same basis
- Development and creation of the data basis for the compilation of controlling-relevant corporate key figures
- Concept and content of Management Reporting
- Know-how transfer in the areas of controlling and calculation