We support mid-sized companies and major corporations from practically all industries with projects of strategic importance. Depending on the area of business, these projects range from the development of innovative products and new markets to M&A transactions and restructuring measures as well as the digital transformation of business models. They may also involve the solution of complex assignments involving the structures and facilities of public and private owners.

What we offer
What we offer
Exciting projects for prominent clients
Ultra-modern infrastructure
Our teams can carry out their work within a state-of-the-art infrastructure. This applies just as much to labour and tools as it does to hardware and software. Year for year, the continuous updating and expansion of our infrastructure is a major focus of our investments.
Interdisciplinary work and collaboration with top specialists
We employ professionals from 22 disciplines, working in interdisciplinary teams and using their specific knowledge to harness new ideas that they then further develop into innovative solutions in collaboration with their customers. Our trove of knowledge and experience is complemented by a broad network of collaborative partners. This ensures that our employees have access to highly specialised know-how in every phase of a project. Our employees come into contact with a great deal of knowledge due to innovation networks varying from project to project.
Distinctive internationality
40 percent of our revenue is generated outside of Switzerland. Of this, more than half is brought in through our offices in Germany and the USA. The other half is from projects that we manage from our locations in Switzerland. In the 2018 business year, we assisted customers in a total of 17 countries.
Room for independent work
Our organisation, by comparison, is federalistic with four corporate divisions and ten locations. This includes flat hierarchies, short communication channels and an open-door culture. All this helps to create an atmosphere that welcomes proactive thought and action. Our employees can bring all kinds of solutions – even those that are unconventional at first glance – to the project team for a consensus, and submit them to their manager to decide.
Modern and flexible working conditions
At our company, work is mainly carried out in projects commissioned by the customer. With careful planning, our employees have the opportunity to exercise flexible working times that can be adapted to their personal situation in life. These tools include “buying” leave, unpaid leave, and part-time work. They are part of a comprehensive package for modern working conditions that include an attractive and performance-based remuneration.
Extensive training opportunities
Our internal and external training allows us to pursue a two-fold objective. First, it serves for the individual further training of our employees. The corresponding programme is planned together with the employee’s mentor or line manager, who supports the employee in the strengthening of their competencies. Second, this training ensures that our teams are always up to date in their knowledge in the areas that are important to us. This chiefly involves the rapid development of new technologies. We also attach great value to social and leadership skills training.
Long-term career opportunities
In contrast to many American-style consulting firms, we do not adhere to the “up or out” career model, but rather offer our employees long-term opportunities at a variety of levels. At the same time, our Group offers a career path where our employees can further their development over several levels, up to managing or participating partner. 36 veteran employees currently belong to this circle.
Attractive jobs in good locations
It is proven that workplaces with modern furnishings at attractive and accessible locations have a great influence on employee satisfaction. Helbling Technik continually strives to keep its laboratories up to date.
Shared activities
At all our locations, proactive employees have started up a series of communal activities in which all colleagues may participate according to their wishes. These include runner’s meet-ups, various team sports, cooking midday meals together, after-work drinks, and group participation in sports events like the SOLA Stafette or the Gigathlon. We enthusiastically support all these activities where possible with infrastructure and equipment.