Machinery & Plant Engineering

Development of a growth strategy

We were commissioned by a manufacturer of industrial noise control systems to develop a growth strategy for doubling the division's sales within 5 years. This is to serve the expansion into new application areas for new customer groups. The company wants to diversify its existing business more and secure capacity utilization at the main production site.


  • Elaboration of the strategic challenges by analyzing the market attractiveness and competitive position
  • Definition of strategic guidelines through evaluation, selection and prioritization of possible courses of action
  • Formulation of clear strategic goals
  • Operationalization of the strategy through concrete work packages and measures
  • Implementation of the strategy with management

Result / Success

  • Actionable divisional strategy
  • Program structure with 14 work packages and 43 individual measures
  • Established program management office to steer implementation
  • >30 employees involved at all management levels

Ihr Kontakt

Thilo Herbertz

Heinrich-Heine-Allee 22
40213 Düsseldorf

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